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Hyde Page 2

Neither one of us counted who put what where and I liked it that way. We were a team, and[RP101] that made this life a little less lonely. The sound of the door opening had me sitting up.

  “Did you forget your phone again?”

  Silence. The hairs on the back of my neck stood.

  Chapter 6Hyde

  She’s been missing for years, and[RP102] I wasn’t sure if she survived. I’ve been searched every hospital, every prison[RP103], every fucking place I could think of and still she was like a ghost If I hadn’t seen and touched her, I would question whether she ever existed at all.

  I looked at the man digging a hole[RP104] and let the memories slip away.

  “Come the fuck on man, hurry the fuck up[RP105].”

  “I’m digging my own fucking grave[RP106], so go fuck yourself.”

  I laugh. He was right, he was digging his own grave. I promised to finish him with a quick bullet to the head if he dug his own hole. After he begged for a chance, he realized that he barked up the wrong tree, and grudgingly started to dig.

  “There’s a beer and some pussy waiting for me so[RP107], either dig faster or I’ll go back to the original plan of a slow[RP108] painful death that you deserve.”

  His eyes narrow, but he closes his mouth. I watch[RP109]ed as he picked up the speed. I would smile, but[RP110] I haven’t done that since she left. I remember the day I lost her, the blood coated the walls.

  Dolly took some special concoction when she would[RP111]n’t shut up about the little bitch that killed her man. My mouse fought for her life and Dolly thought she should have a firing squad after her.

  I couldn’t save her. Lucy needed me, and I wasn’t there to save her, but I could stop Dolly from running her mouth.

  “I’m done man[RP112], just get it over with.”

  Looking at the hole he dug[RP113], I nod. The man dug himself a fine grave.

  “Get in.”

  “I’m just going to lay down.”

  Really? He wasn’t going to feel how his body lands when I place a new hole in it.

  “Get on with it.”

  He was quick to lay down, and[RP114] I was just as quick to put a bullet in his skull. I looked[RP115] at the pile of dirt next to his well dug resting place. Fuck! Now I needed to fucking work. I had to fill it in and cover him with dirt.

  I wish I had another target to do this for me. I grabbed[RP116] the shovel, and start[RP117] shoving dirt on scoop at a time. The sound of metal connecting with dirt took me back to that night. Tom’s body was heavy as I dumped it into a hole I spent an hour digging.

  I remember the darkness and the chill in the air as I covered his body and made him into a compost. I remember the last time I had seen Lucy. Her red hair shining in the sunlight as she skipped around me in circles.

  She was breathtaking even then. I didn’t understand fully what I had. Anger coursed through me. Why didn’t she come to me? Why the fuck did she disappear? Walking over to my bike I quickly fold[RP118]ed the shovel and place[RP119]d it in my saddle bag.

  I needed a fucking shower, some beer, and pussy, and not in that order[RP120]. I needed the ghosts from my past to stop haunting me.

  Chapter 7

  Lucy A.K.A Mouse

  A hand covered my mouth as an arm snaked around my waist, lifting me off the floor. I wanted to scream, but his fingers slipped into my mouth, causing me to gag. I bit[RP121] down and I[RP122] expected him to let me go[RP123], instead he let out a grunt and kept moving.

  Something hard slammed into the side of my face. Pain and heat exploded, and my world tunneled. There was a moment I thought I could fight the darkness clouding my vision, but the next hit had the lights going out.

  My arms hurt, and the tips of my toes were dragging on a cold surface. I tried to open my eyes, but my lashes got stuck on something.

  They blindfolded me and hung me up like a piece of meat. The only thing[RP124] I was sure of was, these people weren’t the cops. Goosebumps stretched over my skin as someone’s breath brushed the back of my neck.

  I couldn’t help jerking away from it. The feel of the warmth coming from their mouth told me they were close.


  “Ah, she’s awake. I thought for sure he knocked those pretty brains in your head to mush.”

  Shivers of fear coursed through me. The darkness in his voice was terrifying. I could tell he wasn’t a nice person. Those rose-colored glasses I so strongly held onto were slowly falling.

  “Kara. You ran hard sweetheart, but I finally found you.” Kara?

  “Did you really think you could run forever?” I shook my head as words failed me.

  “We need to get married as promised and you are going to be my wife.”

  Swallowing I tried to think of something to say,[RP125] anything to get me out of this. Fingers wove through my hair, yanking it back, exposing my throat.

  “Such a beautiful throat…”

  His fingers caressed it slowly, almost reverently. Shudders shook me. I tried to fight them off, but I failed, and he noticed.

  “You’ll get used to my touch.”

  No. it won’t happen, I can’t and won’t let him, but I won’t let him have her either.

  “Who’s Kara?”

  Those fingers in my hair tightened painfully. I wasn’t who he wanted, so maybe they’ll let me go? Suddenly the blindfold was yanked from my face.

  I tried not to look at any of their faces, but my eyes still scanned the room.

  “Who the fuck are you?”


  “And where exactly is Kara?”

  “I don’t know anyone by that name I swear it.”

  His face already cold face turned colder. The fury was written in every little nuance[RP126].

  “Who the fuck did you bring me?”

  “I thought…”

  “You thought what? That you had a fucking brain up there? I fucking told you to bring me Kara not some little…”

  He looked my way, and I saw the calculated look in his eyes. He shot the man on the other side of me.

  My eyes stayed glued to his, and[RP127] I could see it there reflected back at me. I was no stranger to death, and it didn’t really faze me. My eyes stayed glued to his and I could see it reflected back at me.

  “You’ve seen death before? Looked it in the eye little girl?”

  My head nodded before the rest of me could catch up.

  “Not even a little flinch. I respect that.”

  Well, I didn’t. He now knew my secret. I felt as though I was stripped bare even though I was still fully clothed. He removed layers upon layers trying to dig deep.

  I know what he was looking for and I wouldn’t let him have it. If he got too close, he would expose Hyde, and[RP128] I couldn’t let that happen.

  Closing my eyes, I begin to sob like a devastated woman. Like a normal person would in the face of death.

  “Clean this shit up and take her to a room.” I didn’t like the sound of the word room. I wasn’t leaving here, not really. A twisted sensation in my stomach had tears stinging my eyes.


  “Please what little dragonfly?”

  “I’ve never…”

  “Ah, I see. No[RP129] worries.”

  No worries? He just killed a man, but I shouldn’t worry. Suddenly I was no longer hanging from the ceiling. My legs couldn’t hold my weight, and[RP130] I hit the cold concrete floor hard.

  Strangely, I noticed that the floor had a shine to it. It wasn’t like normal concrete it looked polished?


  Chapter 8Mouse

  I feared him putting me in his room, but I[RP131] didn’t need to, he was a gentleman. I was shocked and confused.

  “We have something in common Jessica.” I wasn’t about to share I wasn’t this Jessica person either.

  “Death doesn’t seem to faze us much. Honestly, if I didn’t already have plans to marry someone else I would take you as my wife.”

  I looked at him
trying to keep the horror I felt from reflecting on my face.

  “I need people like you around here.”

  My eyes widen he wanted me to work for him?

  “I promise no man will touch you here.”

  I would be safe? Maybe I could earn my freedom? Be a good little girl and earn his trust and escape back to my life with Kara.

  Nodding, I gave[RP132] him the confirmation I would do as he requested even if it made my skin crawl.

  “Good. Now I need a secretary that’s where you will start.”

  He looked at me expectantly, and[RP133] I realized he was waiting for something.

  “Thank you?”

  It was a question when it shouldn’t have been. Is that what he wanted to hear? His smile confirmed I said the right thing.

  “We are going to get along great dragonfly.”

  I shuddered as I left the room. A tall man was waiting for me and escorted me back to the room, I was originally thrown into after…

  Yup, not going there. I walkedover to the bed, I let the knowledge seep in that I wasn’t leaving here unless I saved myself[RP134]. No one was coming for me, and[RP135] I had accepted I was alone a long time ago.

  Not for the first time I wished Hyde would find me.

  Chapter 9


  Irritation washed over me as the sound of Jackal’s[RP136] phone punctured the air around me. Groaning, I shove[RP137]d the blond was draped over my body off the bed[RP138]. The thump her body made as it hit the floor drowned out the sound of the phone ringing.

  I have no clue why she was still here in my bed, we fucked, it[RP139] was time for her to move on. The phone shut up about the time the blond started whining[RP140] about me pushing her onto the floor.

  Like I give a fuck. “Get out.” My voice cracked through the air like a leather whip unfurling as it lashed at nothing. She was still talking as if I gave her some kind of sign I gave a shit.

  “Get the fuck out. I fucked you, and[RP141] now I’m done with you.”

  Her eyes widen as her cheeks redden. The piercing phone went off again, and this time I was thankful for the distraction. It seemed the blonde was about to make a scene.

  Who knew holding onto my brother’s phone while he binged on booze and women would be such a fucking hassle. He’s a prick, and[RP142] yet women[RP143] constantly call him for seconds.

  Not saying I’m a prince, but this was insanity. Running my hand over my face as I press the phone to my ear. What kind of desperate was I going to hear now?


  The whispered sound had me sitting up. This wasn’t the normal call, and[RP144] my mind was[RP145] wheeling[RP146]. It [RP147]was Avery, my[RP148] brothers lost love, the[RP149] one who died nine years ago.

  The one who blew our worlds to shit with all the lies that followed her death. Rational thought was slow, but it hit me this couldn’t be her, she’s fucking dead that only left one-person Kara.


  My silence was deafening. I wasn’t sure I wanted to respond to her. What the fuck would possess her to call after all this time? Her hatred was well known for my brother, but I knew better she loved him.

  She loved him in a way that was shocking in its intensity. She left town and disappeared to keep her secret[RP150] so he could be happy. I guess in a way I owe her this.


  The sound of her breath stuttering into the phone had the hairs on my neck standing.

  “Hyde? Where’s Jackal? This is still his number,[RP151] isn’t it?”

  “Yeah. Always has been and I guess always will be.”

  I didn’t say it was because of the old voicemails[RP152] he has from Avery stored on this phone or the fact he hopes someday she will come back and that is why the number will never change.

  “I need help.”

  The hesitation was difficult to hear from a childhood friend. It hurt when she disappeared all those years ago. I knew any happiness[RP153] my brother may have had disappeared with her. He[RP154] was just too fucking blind to see it.

  “What kind of help?”

  The possibilities were endless.

  “My friend is missing. She disappeared four months ago. I’ve run out of time.”

  “What the fuck is going on Kara? And don’t pussyfoot[RP155] around this shit[RP156]. I want to hear it all.”

  “I can’t tell you everything. I know I’m asking a lot, but please Lucy deserves to be found. I’m keeping this number open just in case. Please[RP157], Hyde I know we haven’t talked in forever, but Lucy is all I’ve got now.”

  I was going to regret this[RP158], I just fucking knew[RP159] it. But I wasn’t going to push at least not now. But when I find her friend she will tell me everything.

  “Tell me all you can.”

  “Lucy has brown hair. At least she did[RP160], her hair is naturally red. Shortcut into a bob the last time I had seen her. She disappeared from Roanoke, Virginia four months ago and hasn’t been heard from since.”

  “Any idea of who may have taken her?”

  “The mafia.”

  Those whispered words sounded more like a bomb going off. The fucking mafia? Well, shit when she gets into trouble she really fucking digs herself in. But what did I expect[RP161], I knew it had to be bad to have her calling my brother.

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m on the move now I stayed here too long. I need to go[RP162], I’ll contact you in a few days. Thank you, Hyde. Lucy is a sweetheart who’s had a shit deal in life. I owe you one.”

  The line went dead, and[RP163] I had a feeling if I called it back it would go straight to voicemail. Dropping the phone onto the bed, I contemplate[RP164]d who to tell and when.

  The sound of the door slamming had a smile spreading across my face[RP165]. I guess in a way I owe her.

  She made dealing with all that drama easier.

  Chapter 10


  She was close. The call to meet Kara[RP166] at her childhood home was a little surprising. I figured she would just show up at the club. I was trying to figure out the best route for damage control.

  Thank fuck she chose to go home instead. The looks Jackal kept sending me waswas a warning he was onto me. He couldn’t see her, but I know if he did, I would lose my brother completely and I sure as fuck wasn’t letting that happen.

  Walking into the office, I close the door behind me.

  “Kara is almost here. She wants to meet at her house.”

  Even I could hear the relief in my voice. Watching the tension ease in Beau’s[RP167] shoulders told me he also was relieved[RP168].


  “She’s about two hours out.”

  His nod was the only confirmation I needed.

  Turning I walk out of the office and into the main room. My brother was gone. Probably found some whore to fuck. Releasing a sigh, I walk to the bar[RP169]. I needed a beer before I faced this shit.

  How was I to know my world was about to be blown to shit? Guess I should’ve seen it coming.

  Chapter 11


  It’s been a few days since he told me I was working for him and true to his word they never laid a finger on me. I was sent to get something from the coffee shop in town.

  He had his man shadow me. I knew this was my best chance at escape, so I took it.

  “I need to use the restroom[RP170].”

  He noddded and started following me.

  “I um can go alone[RP171].”


  “Please[RP172], I want some privacy.”

  I could see the internal war going on. I felt bad for what I was going to do. Gigantor number two here was actually a nice guy. He was probably going to die for this, but if I stayed[RP173], I would find myself dead or worse.

  He stopped and gave me a nod. I smile[RP174]d sweetly at him. I tried to hide my relief, but I think he could tell. I was glad he assumed it was because I wanted to pee alone.

  The b
athroom was meant only for one person.

  I quickly locked[RP175] the door, scanned[RP176] the small room. The window was small, almost too small.

  I was just the right size to squeeze through and my[RP177] determination to be free was how my body got through the window.

  The edges pulled at my clothes and scraped my sides. I pretended the pain didn’t exist. I hopped to the ground below and wince as pain shoots up my left leg.

  The alley was deserted and all too quiet. My feet picked up the pace, and[RP178] I was[RP179] soon running away from the main road and deeper into the alley.

  I turned[RP180] the corner and collided with a hardback. I heard a scream followed by a man’s laugh. I focused my eyes in front of the man who knocked the air from my lungs.

  His legs were spread apart enough for me to see a woman being held to the ground as another man slid his hand up her thigh and it quickly disappearedunder her dress.

  “Boss is going to be pleased with this one.”


  “Nope, so we get to have some fun.”

  Tears filled my eyes as the woman shook in terror. I started to crab walk backward but the man who was like a wall turned and looked at me.

  “Looks like we have another.”

  I tugged at the floral skirt I was told to wear today wishing I had my jeans on. Before I could scream, I was pinned to the ground with a hand over my mouth.

  Then I felt cold fingers slip into my panties. Tears filled my eyes as two fingers pushed inside me stretching me. It hurt.


  I felt something prick my neck and the world went sideways. Slowly turning in on itself. Darkness swallowed me whole like a hungry snake.

  Chapter 12Hyde

  I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman. Desire ran rampant on my already frayed nerves. Her hair was red in this picture.

  “She[RP181]’s innocent in all this.”

  Forcing my eyes away from the picture I look[RP182]ed at Kara. She’s changed so much over the years. Her blond hair was cropped short, little tattoos formed in a cluster on her shoulder, there was this haze of innocence shadowed by her jaded posture.