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Destroying Gage (Bloody Saints MC Book 2)
Destroying Gage (Bloody Saints MC Book 2) Read online
Bloody Saints MC Book 2
Roxanne Greening
Dedicated to my husband and kids for their love and support. To my dad and my mom for making me who I am today. And the rest of my family for all their support!
Text Copyright 2019 © Roxanne Greening
All Rights Reserved
All rights reserved in all media. No part of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission. Except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
The moral rights of Destroying Gage as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the copyright, designs, and patients act of 1988.
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locales, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination and any resemblance to places or events is coincidental or fictionalized.
Published in the United States of America 2019
Table of Contents
About The Author:
Follow Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Begging Topher Sneak Peek
Loving Dean Sneak Peek
About The Author:
Roxanne Greening is a mother of two young children and lives in the beautiful rural area in West Virginia, USA. It was because of her love for reading romances, that Roxanne decided to write her own. However, it is the MC romances that she enjoys writing the most. “Being able to become a rebel, an outlaw (in fiction) is a powerful thing.” And so, Axel, the first book of the SONS OF THE APOCALYPSE, was published in August 2016.
Her comedy nonfiction, The Rantings of a Crazy Person, was born out of demands from her family and friends to write about her own experiences. And her children’s book, The chronicles of rocky and binx aka the steam punk kid and the angel of death. Titanic's Doom! Came from wanting to write a book for her son who suffers from ADHD.
Roxanne also enjoys to quilt, and secretly wants to be a ninja.
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Other Ways To Contact Me:
Author Roxanne Greening
P.O. Box 624
Parkersburg, W.V. 26101
Two Years Ago.
What I just saw would live in my dreams for the rest of my life. He was a monster, and there was no way I was marrying the likes of him.
He just killed her. His wife. I knew we were supposed to marry, and I had been confused about this. It was some sick joke. Zec was devastatingly good looking. Any of us ladies would be lucky to have him as our husband.
That is if he wasn’t already married. My father had informed me a month ago that Zec was going to be my husband.
I knew better than to voice my confusion. Zec had been married for the last four years. As the boss, he needed an heir, and it was something that he still didn’t have.
At thirty, he was our youngest boss. He killed his father for the position two years ago. His younger brother Besin was now the second in command.
Besin had this fallen angel look to him just as his older brother, but the cold calculation wasn’t as noticeable. Both of them terrified me.
Besin had been watching Savanna for weeks now, and I knew deep down he would ask for her hand. My friend was going to find herself in a dark, scary marriage just like I would. A fate we wouldn’t survive intact.
Zec’s hand had been wrapped around her throat. His wife’s eyes had this dull appearance to them. She had been expecting this, and I think there was a flash of relief as he put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger.
My heart stopped beating. The air literally turned to dust in my lungs. Zec and Besin were here at my father’s for an extended visit. Both were staying the night, and now I knew why.
“It’s a shame you had to kill her,” Besin said coldly.
“She wouldn’t bear me a son,” Zec replies with a careless shrug.
A fucking shrug like he didn’t just shoot his wife. Like he didn’t just take an innocent life. Bile rose up my throat. It burned, and I almost choked as I fought to swallow it back down.
“Roslin will give me beautiful children,” Zec tells Basin.
“Perfect children just like Savanna will give me,” Basin tells Zec with a smile.
My heartbeat started beating faster. I had seen what they did to his wife before Zec killed her. Besin had called it an honor, and I called it a horror.
“Will you share Roslin if she gets pregnant?” Besin asked.
Shudders raked my body so hard, I had to fight to stay standing.
“No, she will be all mine,” Zec growls.
Should I be relieved he wasn’t going to allow his brother to touch me? More bile. Her screams still echoed in my ears. Tears streaked my cheeks over and over.
I couldn’t marry him. I wouldn’t marry him. I waited for what felt like hours as they discussed different things. I was stuck in my hiding spot as her body cooled. I stared lifelessly between the wall and her crumpled body on the floor.
They just left her there like discarded trash. Now that they’ve had their fun, she was no longer useful. I never spoke to her, but I knew no one deserved what happened to her, and no one should be left to rot on the floor.
Chapter 1
Three Years Ago.
I had seen my father open that safe many times. Not once was he concerned about me watching. We were more like furniture to him. Raised to be pretty little statues.
The door opened silently, and I thanked my lucky stars. My father hated when it creaked, so he kept the hinges nice and oiled.
This was the night that I planned on leaving. I grabbed two more stacks of cash and sighed. The oversized purse that I bought two months ago was going to be overflowing with money. Heavy couldn’t even begin to describe it.
In total, I was sure that I had stolen over a hundred thousand dollars. No one noticed, and I thought it was beyond a miracle.
I had only one thing left to do before I disappeared. Call Savanna. I pulled out my phone to say goodbye to the one person whom I loved more than anything. The one person that I had seen as my little sister. Savanna was only a year younger than me, making her nineteen. Only one more year before they would be marrying her off.
The call was hard to make. The sound of Savanna’s voice made it difficult to tell her about Besin. If I made it, maybe she could as well. Dropping the phone into the trash, I turned away from the only life I’ve ever known.
The night swallowed me
as I ran for my life, for my future. Even if I only made it a day, it would be worth the risk. My biggest fear was that Zec would still want me if they caught me.
Chapter 2
Two Years and Nine Months Ago.
I had been running for weeks. Never staying in one place more than a day or two. I have yet to see any signs of my father or Zec.
I bought a blond wig and changed my clothes. Shopping at a supercenter was way different than the boutiques that I normally shopped in. It was fun, and I cherished that no one knew me. I was just like everyone else.
The jeans that I bought made me feel like a rebel. I pulled my long brown hair into a ponytail, deciding on not using the wig. In this town, I was going to go natural. The big sunglasses will help, so no need for the fake hair.
Looking in the mirror, I felt more like myself than I ever have. My long brown locks no longer reached my hips. I had cut about fifteen inches off, taking it to just above the middle of my back.
My hotel room was clean, but it wasn’t the five star I normally would have stayed in had I been with my family. Not that we stayed in many hotels. In fact, before I left, I had only stayed one night in a hotel.
Smiling, I slipped the big sunglasses on. My biggest purchase so far was my car. It was a used car, but it was also a beast on wheels.
It cost me five grand for this beautiful black Tahoe. It blended and gave me more options. I climbed into the beast and settled in my seat before buckling up and turning the key. The loud rumble caused another smile to stretch over my face.
Freedom was a beautiful thing.
Chapter 3
Two Years Ago.
The cell was so small. I fucking hated this place. I had a little less than a year left. Seven months and I would be out of this hell hole.
The bars all around seem to be mocking me. My only view this past year has been the cold, stone walls and the metal bars in front of me.
I got told what type of food to eat and when to eat it. I was also told when I could go outside. This place killed souls. I watched men come in here thinking they were king shit only to be taken down more than a few pegs.
We lived in housing units. It was a group of cells put together where we could mingle during the day. I watched as one of the guys tattooed one of the younger inmates.
Sticks was a badass with an ink gun. His work was beautiful. The fucker he was tattooing was green as fuck. He came in here and has yet to figure out how to keep his damn shoes.
Sticks was only charging him for a few snacks. It caused some of the others to back off. It seems Sticks liked him. Good, maybe the kid would survive. Hopefully, Sticks didn’t get moved before Greenie learned how to live in these walls.
Today was visitation day. The brothers planned to come see me, but I turned them down. Fucking Crow wouldn’t take no for an answer though.
Rodney approached with a smile. I liked Rodney. He was one of the favored guards around here. He was not one to look down on someone. He treated us like humans and had earned a lot of respect. Anyone that fucked with Rodney found themselves in medical.
“Looking good, Sticks,” Rodney called out.
Sticks didn’t pause. He just shouted out, “Thanks, man.”
Tattooing here wasn’t exactly allowed. Rodney looked the other way. He gave us more freedom than was allowed. We weren’t caged animals in his eyes, just misplaced people. His words, not ours.
“Come on, Gage,” Rodney tells me.
“Dammit, Crow,” I sighed.
“You know he isn’t going to listen to you, Gage. It’s good to get a glimpse of the outside world. A reminder of where home is,” Rodney patted me on the back before cuffing me. It was routine, and I knew he didn’t like it any more than we did.
The visitation room was open. Just a few octagon picnic tables which were all metal and welded to the concrete floor. They were painted gray and peeling and in need of a fresh coat. My thumb went to one of the flakes of paint and flicked it off.
“What the fuck, Crow,” I snapped.
“Don’t take that fucking tone with me,” he snarled back.
“I didn’t want any visitors,” I told him darkly.
“You now have money in your account. Go buy some shit and be happy,” Crow sighed.
I just stared at him. I appreciated the money, but I fucking hated the visits. It reminded me that I was locked away in a cage and not out riding my bike and enjoying the open road.
“How’re things out there?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“Fucking boring without you,” Crow quips.
I laughed. The fucker.
“New ink?” He asked, pointing to the tattoo on my arm.
“Yeah, Sticks is fucking amazing,” I tell him with a shrug.
“When he gets out, tell him to come to the club,” Crow tells me.
“Sticks isn’t getting out. He’s a lifer,” I tell Crow quietly.
Sticks was never seeing the outside. It was something that he didn’t give two shits about. Guess being a killer for a mob leached your damn feelings.
“Anything we can do for him?” Crow asked.
Sticks had it good. The family he was from kept his accounts full and the guards in his housing unit well paid. He gave the ultimate sacrifice, and they kept him happy.
“Nah, he’s good,” I tell him with a nod of thanks.
Sticks was my friend and the only motherfucker in this place I cared about. He said us killers needed to stick together. But it was more than that. There were a shit ton of killers here, but only a few were in his good graces.
Sticks ran our housing unit, and I was like his second. His words, not mine. I wanted to keep my head down and my nose clean. Sticks was a cold, calculating, scary motherfucker. What he said goes. Period. Or he’d kill you and laugh while doing it.
I’ve seen him do it more than once, and the government just keeps him here in this prison, which was a lower security prison. How the fuck that worked was beyond me.
“The club isn’t the same without you,” Crow tells me.
"You growing a vagina?” I ask him. Shit, he sounded like a woman.
“Fuck you, asshole. My dick is just fine,” he snarled.
“So, you say,” I give him a shrug.
“I’ll fucking show you,” he snapped while standing up.
“Keep it in your pants, I don’t want to see your dick. I’m pretty sure it would result in you wearing a matching jumpsuit,” I tell him with a laugh.
“Found an old lady,” Crow tells me with a smile.
Something in me clenched. There was a small yearning for just what Crow was talking about. I wanted to smack myself. I didn’t need my dick tied down, but I missed women. That’s it.
“Lucky fucker,” I tell him with a glare. Shit, there were a few pussies available in here, but none that I would touch. There were two female guards and a doctor.
I know a few of the guys pounded them, but I kept my dick clear of anyone who told me what to do, period. Those bitches held the rains, and I wanted nothing to do with that.
“Fuck, man. I’m sorry,” Crow sighed.
“Don’t worry about it, man. I’m happy for your ass,” I tell him. It’s the truth. He needed a woman to settle him.
“We’ll have a big ass party when you finally get out of this shit hole,” he smiled.
I’ve seen worse prison’s than this, and I shrug. That shit was months away.
“A lot of shits gone down since you’ve been gone. Church the morning after the party,” Crow gives my shoulder a squeeze. Rodney watches but does nothing.
I see some of the other guards approaching a few of the inmates. Times up.
“Stop coming here,” I tell Crow as I stand up.
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do, Gage. I’ll be here next week,” he snaps at me.
“It’s not fucking safe for you, prez,” I sigh.
“Let me worry about my ass, and you worry about yo
urs,” he laughed as he walked away. The dick.
“Come on inmate 195178,” Rodney tells me. That’s what you were in here. A fucking number.
I knew he hated using our numbers, but sometimes he had too, and now was one of those times. Nodding, I stood up and walked in front of Rodney. Never behind.
They knew better than to give us their backs. Seven more months. Then I was free of this boring as fuck existence. That’s exactly what you did here, exist.
Chapter 4
Two Years Ago.
I had bought this house a week ago. It was time to find some roots, as I was tired as fuck of running. I haven’t seen any of them. Not one.
Maybe they’ve given up? I snort, yeah, right. There have been so many times that I’ve wanted to go pick up some guy and take him to my bed or even his, but I couldn’t do it.
Disgust filled me again as I walked around the corner. Was I truly free if I couldn’t do the one thing that would set me completely free?
Because it wouldn’t. I knew this. I’ve always known this. My eyes darted around as I scanned my surroundings, a habit that I hope I’d never give up. It was survival, never get too comfortable.
My foot hit something, and it sent me to my knees. Pain flew up my arms and down to my knees. Then, a small groan reached my ears, and it didn’t come from me.
Sitting back, I turned my head to look at what I tripped over. Something caused my bags to fly out of my hands, and I saw the blood that covered my knees.
The girl was covered with bruises, and she was coated with blood. Her naked body was exposed to the world, and my eyes stung as I took in her helpless position. Who the fuck did this? Then, the blond hair had me sucking in a deep breath.
Savanna? Oh, god, my heart exploded from my chest. My eyes once again looked around the empty alley. No one was in sight. Could they be hiding?
She was still a year away from getting married. They wouldn’t have given her to him yet, or would they? Tears spilled over my cheeks as my chest heaved. I did this to her, to my friend, to my sister.