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Hyde Page 5

  I pulled my eyes from the man holding me captive I stare[RP353]d into the eyes of a madman. Hyde looked crazed and completely unlike himself.

  I should have been terrified, but I knew[RP354] he would never hurt me. The man didn’t even budge. He took his time looking at Hyde.

  Irritation was written[RP355] all over his features. I could see the change in him when he finally looked at Hyde. His hold lessened, and I ripped myself away.

  His touch was wrong. He just touched me without my permission. Made me feel weak and like the victim once again.

  I was put into a situation where I couldn’t have left if I wanted to. I thought Hyde was ruinedthis outing, but I was wrong[RP356], so very wrong.

  This beautiful day was just turned dark like the rest of the world. The little light that was inside me just an hour ago dimmed and become almost out altogether[RP357].

  Hyde was leaned over the man whispering[RP358] to him. Whatever he was said had the fear of[RP359] death in him. I swore he almost peed himself.

  Jackal was beside me he[RP360] almost grabbed me. My heart swelled as his hand fell away. He actually cared for me.

  The very fact he didn’t make contact told me he cared.

  Chapter 22


  I had no fucking clue who this dick thought he was, but he touched her. He touched Lucy. I grabbed him by his shirt I lean[RP361]ed forward, making sure I had his undivided attention.

  “You put your hands on my old lady.”

  He swallowed, and[RP362] for a moment I thought he swallowed his tongue.

  “I could take you somewhere and peel the flesh off your worthless body.”

  His eyes widened, and fear was like his new cologne.

  “I could take you out back and cut you into pieces.”

  I make sure he could see how serious I was about this.

  “Maybe castrate you and choke you with it.”

  His eyes filled. I was almost fucking positive he was going to start crying.

  “I don’t know which I want to do more. I could go easy on you and cut the hand off that touched her.”


  “You want me to take your hand?”

  He didn’t respond, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “I need a yes or a no here.” He nods his head.

  “Let’s go mother fucker.”

  Forcing him to the door, I don’t bother looking at my brother, I know he had Lucy. I forced the prick down the alleyway[RP363] and pushed[RP364] him to the ground.

  Kneeling down I press[RP365]ed my knife to his arm. Jackal placed a knee to his chest. His fingers digging into his chin. I started hacking at it.

  Like I was using a saw. Back and forth over and over. The man was screaming as I cut through bone. Another few motions it was removed completely.

  I expected Lucy to be screaming or running the other way. But when I looked up at her, she was just stood and watched.

  She watched as I removed this guy’s hand. Her face was serene, almost like it comforted her. Mouse was twisted. Lucy was fucking perfect.

  Chapter 23


  I should have run for my life. Hyde was a madman[RP366]. But I wasn’t instead I stood there[RP367] and watched as the man I loved took another man’s hand.

  He removed the[RP368] hand that touched me without my permission. I thought my safe haven was his room at the club, but now I knew it was him.

  He would never let anyone hurt me again. I knew[RP369] now that he’ll make them pay if they do. It was a heady feeling. Knowing someone would kill for you.

  That someone would die and it[RP370] should have upset me.

  Should have had me intervening. Although, I wasn’t[RP371] going to stop this. Hyde needed me to be strong.

  He needed someone who wouldn’t turn away from him when shit went red. The man cried on the ground in front of me and deserved[RP372] what he got.


  Slowly[RP373], I look[RP374]ed him in the eye. I want[RP375]ed him to see the truth there. That I was okay with this. That I didn’t care he just took someone’s hand.

  I wanted to show him how grateful I was, that he was[RP376] willing to go to such lengths to make me feel safe and avenge me.

  “I love you.”

  The words flowed easily. No hesitation on my part at all. Nothing says I love you like the removal of someone’s appendage. His smile was sweet.

  “I love you too.”

  It was weird, and most girls would want a romantic setting for such a thing, but this was the most perfect moment of my life.

  Chapter 24


  I’ve never seen someone so beautiful as I did at that moment. Driving back to the clubhouse was slow going. At[RP377] least it seemed that way to me.

  She still wanted that coffee and a bagel. I laughed as I[RP378] just cut a man’s hand off, and[RP379] she was still hungry. I thought she would want to distance herself and that I may have ruined her day.

  She was a constant surprise. We walked into our room, I grab[RP380]ed her by the waist and turn[RP381]ed her to the bed. Pressing my lips to her neck.

  “I need you.”

  Her moan had me rock hard.

  “Yes, please Hyde.”

  Undoing her pants, I quickly push[RP382]ed them down her hips. I grabbed her pink lace panties, I pulled the delicate material and ripped it easily.

  Her shirt was easy. Pulling[RP383] it over her head, and undid my pants and bent her over. I wanted to fuck her hard. Her eyes were full of need when she looked over her shoulder at me.

  “I’m sorry baby.”

  As soon as those words left my lips,[RP384] I was slammedinto her hard.

  Chapter 25


  The moment I’m sorry left his mouth, he slammed into me hard. His cock stretched my pussy to the max before bottoming out.

  “Hands on the bed kitten and hold the fuck on.”

  Wetness gushed between my legs as those words penetrated the fog his cock induced on my brain. Doing as he said I bent over more and grabbed handfuls of the blanket.

  The moment my fingers clenched the soft fabric he was retreated and slammed into me again. He was relentless in his thrusts.

  One of his hands was on my hip and the other wrapped tightly in my hair. He and held me in place as he pounded into me.

  I feared he may put me through the mattress below me. But all thought left me when he hit something deep inside me.

  My mouth opened, and a scream echoed through the room. The orgasm washed over me. My body tightened. My pussy caressed his cock as it clamped down over and over.

  The feel of his cock bumped my womb kept the orgasm going on and on. The sound of flesh hitting flesh was intoxicating.


  I couldn’t stop the words as they melded together in a never-ending river.

  “That’s it kitten, cum for me.”

  More wetness gushed from within me, and coated[RP385] his cock and made it easier for him to glide in and out.

  “Fuck baby.”

  Then I felt it. He was swelling as his cock hit my womb one last time and stayed there. Warmth filled me as his cock jerked inside of me.

  His lips pressed against my back over and over. Shivers danced along my body. He was sweetly showing me how much he loved me.

  Exhaustion was weighing me down. My body went limp, and[RP386] Hyde caught me before I sunk to the floor. He swung me up into his arms and the[RP387] last thing I remember[RP388]ed was his lips against my forehead and then nothing but darkness.

  Chapter 26Hyde

  I was living on cloud fucking nine. I couldn’t believe I found her. That she was as fucking perfect as I remember[RP389]ed. Jackal was slinking around.

  I felt a stab of remorse. We still haven’t found Kara, and[RP390] it weighed on him. Reaching into my pocket[RP391], I notice[RP392]d the missed call.

  While I was fucking Mouse, someone[RP393] called. He
r screams were so loud, I didn’t hear my phone ring. The sobbing was the first thing I heard.

  “He’s going to….”

  “He’s Russian his name is Michael Valisk. They live only a few cities away from the clubhouse[RP394]. Hyde….”

  The phone went silent. Turned and looked[RP395] at my brother who was watching me intensely. I felt anger and sorrow at what I was about to do.

  I placed my phone on the, table[RP396] I gave[RP397] it a push in his direction.


  I watch[RP398]ed as he picked it up and placed it to his ear. I could see fear than anger, but the last thing I saw in his eyes before he took off running was desperation.

  I couldn’t save him from himself. Fuck if I were in his shoes I wouldn’t want to be saved.

  Chapter 27


  I hated this shit. I was going to lose my brother if we didn’t find her in time. I had a feeling I’ve already lost him. I wasn’t so sure what we would be saving when we finally did find her.

  Mouse was devastated. I never wanted her to hear that voicemail, but leaving her in the dark seemed wrong. If I kept things like this from her, now[RP399], she would never trust me.

  The idea of her slipping away from me. A future without her was not something I could live with. My fingers moved swiftly over the keys. The computer pulled everything it could find on this animal.

  I needed to find him before he killed her. Her loss would destroy this club.


  Beau's voice echoed through the quiet room. He felt it too. We were both guilty. She sacrificed herself for the women we love.

  “Yeah, I’ve got the location, but you are not going to like it.”

  Turning[RP400] the screen, and gave[RP401] him a good image of what we were facing. It was like looking at a military fort. Getting in would be next to impossible. Beau’s curses confirmed what I already knew.

  It was over, getting[RP402] to her would take longer than she had. The world settled around me. As anger and loss consumed me. I couldn’t save either of them.

  Chapter 28


  He played that voicemail for me and disappeared. He was going to find her, he[RP403] promised me that. All the men[RP404] filled out, and[RP405] something told me they had her location.

  I couldn’t sit still, and I didn’t want to stare at these walls any longer. I walked into the main room, and watched[RP406] as Emilia sat down at a table.

  She drank orange juice and had the same anxious look on her face I knew I had. Slowly I walked towards her, and debate[RP407]d what to say.

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to talk about Kara.

  “How are you doing today Lucy?”


  Her smile was warm, and I felt something that was tight inside me loosen slightly.

  “Good news. All the woman made it home.”

  I felt relief, but it was shortlived[RP408]. I know I should be ecstatic, but Kara was still out there, and it put things in a different perspective.

  “What about…”

  “Alissa’s family? We found them as well.”

  “Did you talk to them?” Her face turned dark.


  It felt important to me that I was the one to do this. I couldn’t sit here and wait for them to come back. I couldn’t wait to find out if they found her or not. “Will you take me to see them? I need to do this.”


  “No, I need to do this. I was there when she was taken Emilia please.”

  She wanted to argue. I wasn’t sure if it was because Alissa wanted her to do it or if it was because Beau and Hyde would lose their shit.

  “I’ll take you.”

  For the first time[RP409], I felt as if I was helping her. That I finally saved her even if she was no longer with us.

  Chapter 29Hyde

  Finding her wasn’t as difficult with Lark here. But what we found haunts me. She looked nothing like she used to. Almost like she was a shell of her former self.

  I look[RP410]ed to my brother who was holding her like you would a child. His eyes were glassy. It hurt to see him like this.

  Fuck, I couldn’t fucking save him from this. Once[RP411] again he faced losing the woman he loved. Her body was covered in stitches.

  I looked away, and tried[RP412] not to remember Mouse and how she looked in a cage. I pulled the phone from my pocket[RP413], and call[RP414]ed Emilia.

  Fear hit when she didn’t pick up. Turned and looked[RP415] at Beau.

  “We have a problem. Emilia’s not picking up her phone.” She knew better. She was pregnant, and Beau just fucking got her back. I watched[RP416] as he tried to call her and the anger that hit when she didn’t pick up.

  He tried to cover the fear I knew was eating at him just like it was eating at me. Without a word we climb[RP417]ed onto our bikes and left.

  My brother needed me, but Mouse could be in trouble. My gut clenched at the miles separating us. What if she was taken?

  Chapter 30


  I sat there and stared[RP418] at a woman who looked so much like Alissa it had tears filling my eyes.

  “You know our daughter?”

  I nodded[RP419], and looked[RP420] at my hands. Emilia reached over and grabbed my hand squeezing gently.

  “We did.”

  Emilia’s sweet voice filled the silence.

  “I’m so sorry we couldn’t save her.”

  The shocked gasps echoed[RP421] around the room, and made me[RP422] jump in my seat. It was like a gunshot had been fired it was that loud. At least to me[RP423], it was.

  “I don’t understand.”


  “Please[RP424], Emilia.”

  She closed her mouth and nodded.

  “I met your daughter in an alleyway. She was being taken and, I wanted[RP425] to help her, but they caught me as well.”

  Taking a breath, I quickly continue[RP426]d, since I didn’t want them to talk not until I finished.

  “We were put into cages, and[RP427] they did horrible things.”

  “Oh god.”

  Alissa’s mother cried. I didn’t want to tell her everything.

  “We spent a lot of time together. She was an amazing person. I thought you should know that. I know it’s not comforting...”

  Her hands covered her face[RP428] as she sobbed.

  “She wanted us to tell you she loved you and she was at peace now. She died saving me. I’m so sorry she sacrificed herself for someone so unworthy.”

  It hurt to say it out loud, but it was true. I was unworthy that’s why I was put into foster care, and[RP429] no one adopted me.

  She just sobbed louder at my words, and[RP430] I didn’t blame her for not looking at me. I was a horrible person, and[RP431] her daughter died to let me live another day.


  Emilia’s voice was so sad it tore at my already breaking heart. I stood, and run[RP432] from the room without another word.

  I did what I needed to do, and, I didn’t want to be here when her mom told me I was right, and her daughter should be here and not me.

  It took a moment for Emilia to follow me. I knew she was paying her respects. Climbing[RP433] into her car, and looked[RP434] out the window.

  I let my mind harp at me. It reminded me that there there was only one person in this world who cared. Tears fell silently down my cheeks.

  The world was a dark place, and it[RP435] wanted to keep me in its embrace. Once the darkness has you[RP436], it never wants to let go.

  Chapter 31


  The moment she pulled into the driveway, I crossed[RP437] the lot. The car stopped, and I dragged Lucy from the interior.

  “You okay?”

  I was angry, but seeing those tears coat her cheeks turned that anger into concern.

  “I’m sorry, but I needed to put Alissa to rest.”


��The girl who sacrificed herself for me.”

  The one that died before we could get there. That was on us, not her.

  “Her mom needed to know we promised.”

  I turned to look[RP438] at Emilia who was trying to talk Beau off a cliff. The[RP439] man was threatening to low jack her. If Mouse wasn’t so upset I would laugh.

  I thought about that as well, but I would never tell Lucy that.

  “Come on Darlin let’s get you a nice hot bath and something to eat. Maybe even something hard to help ease the heartache.” She shook her head hard.

  “Bath and food no alcohol.”

  Her smile was mischievous, and it took a moment, but it hit.

  “Are you sure?”

  “No, but I have my suspensions. I wanted to go to the drug store remember?’

  Yeah, but then I cut that man’s hand off. Wrapping my arms around her[RP440], I kiss her hard.

  “I sure fucking hope so Kitten.” Her smile was beautiful.

  “Me too.”


  Eight Months later….

  Her screams had me on edge[RP441]. I knew this shit was painful, but[RP442] that didn’t stop me from wanting to ask the doctor for a machine to take her pain and give it to me.

  Lucy refused medications to take the pain away, she didn’t want them. I couldn’t figure out why. But it was fucking killing me.

  “Come on[RP443] Lucy, two more good pushes.”

  I watch[RP444]ed as her face turns red, but she did as she’s told.

  The scream that followed the second push was beautiful. Our child had a healthy set of lungs.

  “It’s a boy!”

  I know Lucy was hoping for a girl. She wanted to name her after the woman who gave it all up for her.


  Turning I look at Mouse who was squeezing her eyes closing.


  “Get out of the way. We need Pitocin stat.”

  They hovered around her gently pushing me back. “Here daddy take your son, and[RP445] we will take good care of mama.”